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Message from OVE Principal with Important Back to School Information

Posted Date: 8/07/24 (2:19 PM)

Dear Olympic View Families, 

Olympic View Elementary is a very special place, and we are so excited to have you and your child(ren) as a part of our Olympic View Elementary School family. 

Over the summer, our incredible staff prepared for the year ahead. We recognize that you entrust us with your child and that is such an honor. We look forward to learning about your child and partnering with you to meet the academic and social-emotional needs of your child. 

I believe in the power that a positive school/home connection has on the life of your student. Additionally, I believe that the partnership can extend beyond the classroom based connection. If you are interested in being a member of the Olympic View Elementary School PTA, please reach out to the PTA at

For returning students and families, I look forward to reconnecting and seeing you all. To our new families, Welcome. I look forward to getting to know your child and your family! Please be watching your email, our school webpage (, and our school facebook page (@Olympicviewelementaryschool) for updates to our daily school schedules, arrival and dismissal procedures.

I realize that each and every day you send us your most valuable asset and we have the awesome task of meeting each child where they are and helping them learn and grow. I believe in the ability of ALL students to learn at a high level, but I understand that each student is an individual and may learn in a different way and at a different pace. This cannot be done without the support of the family. Now, more than ever, a strong home-school connection is important. 

Important Dates:
  • August 29-Open House
    • 3:30-5:30-Come and meet your child’s teacher and do a campus scavenger hunt!
  • September 4 - First Day of School (1st -4th)
  • September 20-PTA Family Picnic
School Schedule:
  • Monday (Early Release) 9:00-2:20
  • Tuesday-Friday 9:00-3:20

Annual Student Information Update:
All returning students should complete the annual student information update process to update your contact information, emergency contacts and electronically sign yearly consent forms. You can complete the process by logging into your Skyward Family Access accounts.Make sure a cell phone number is listed in the second phone number line in order to receive emergency messaging to your cell phone. 

School Supplies:
  • Backpack
  • Headphones-corded
**If you need help acquiring school supplies, please reach out to our office. 

School Meals:
For the 2024-2025 school year, all schools who serve students in kindergarten, first grade, second grade, third grade, and fourth grade (including each of our elementary schools, HomeConnection, and Hand-in-Hand Early Learning Center) are eligible for free school meals for all students. 

Be sure to set up an e-Funds account to make payments and monitor account balances. To maintain free meals for everyone, applications for free and reduced lunch must be submitted by families every year.

Monthly school menus are available through the “Menus” button on our school’s website.

Time outside:
Fresh air and time outside has always been important for kids, and we will continue to enjoy our amazing campus during recess and throughout the day as much as possible. In order to do so, it is important that your child comes to school prepared for the weather. Please send your child to school in clothing that will help keep them warm and dry, even when it's raining. If you need help getting appropriate clothing, please let us know and we can help. 

Student Medication:
As we prepare for the school year it’s important to communicate to us if your child requires any medication at school. Oral medication, eye drops, ear drops, etc., Please be sure you work with our school office and your doctor’s office to ensure the required paperwork is on file so we can best serve your child. If your child has a life-threatening allergy, please make sure you are in contact with our school nurse so we have the correct paperwork and medication on hand for your child to start school.

Please reach out with questions and concerns. I am so excited to see you all soon!

Warm regards, 

Mrs. Lucero, Principal
Olympic View Elementary