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Attendance Matters. You Matter!

Not only is school attendance required by law, but good attendance sets a student up for success at school and in life. Students are missed when they aren’t at school because each student contributes to the learning environment for everyone in the classroom.

Research shows that children who miss 20 or more days of school in a given school year are less likely to graduate from high school. Missing even two days a month adds up to 20 days a year. Students who have a mentor are more likely to have better attendance and succeed in school. We all have a part in promoting good attendance for our students.

We want to help ensure that every student has strong attendance every year. Please visit the Oak Harbor Public Schools board policy 3122 and procedure 3122P regarding excused and unexcused absences.

A tool to help parents track attendance and grades is the Family Access program in Skyward. Contact the front office of the school your child attends for instructions on signing in and using the system.

Skyward Family Access