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Community Relations

Complaints Concerning Staff or Programs

Constructive criticism can be helpful to the district.  At the same time, the board has confidence in its staff and programs and will act to protect them from unwarranted criticism or disruptive interference.  

In presenting such comments, concerns, or criticisms, there is an appropriate sequence which the public should follow.  The first contact should be made with the person that is directly concerned with the situation.  If the question concerns a teacher, the teacher should be contacted.  If it has to do with the procedures of the entire school, the principal should be contacted.  If the patron is still not satisfied after the first contact, it would be proper for him/her to contact the next person in line.  The normal sequence is teacher to principal to district-level supervisor to superintendent to Board of Directors. 

Complaints received by individual board members will be referred to the appropriate level in the organization for problem-solving. However, individual board members will advise the superintendent of the complaint and referral. Complaints received by the board as a whole will be referred to the superintendent for delegation to the appropriate level and/or investigation. 

If the problem has not been resolved satisfactorily and the patron wishes to contact the School Board, the patron must remember that the members of the board may act officially only as a board, not as individuals.  If such contact is to be made, the president of the board or the superintendent should be contacted. 

The superintendent will develop procedures to handle complaints concerning staff or programs. Complaints regarding instructional materials should be pursued in the manner provided for in Policy 2020 (Curriculum Development and Adoption of Instructional Materials). 

Legal References:        RCW  28A.405.300              Adverse change in contract status of certificated employee —                                                                                                                                                                 

Determination of probable cause —                                                                                                                                                                                                           

Notice — Opportunity for hearing
Chapter 42.30 RCW                 

Open Public Meetings Act

Cross Reference:       

Board Procedure 1600P                 Operating Principles
Board Procedure 4205P                 Civility