Student/Parent/Teacher Rights and Responsibilities of Learning
At Olympic View Elementary we believe that a strong working relationship between home and school is critical to the success of each student. We want to work with parents and guardians as partners. On the first day of school your child will bring home a two-part form outlining student, parent/guardian, and teacher rights and responsibilities for learning. Please review it with your child, sign it and return it to your child's teacher who will then sign it and return the yellow copy to you. This form documents your commitment to working collaboratively with our school to provide your child with a high quality educational environment.
As a student, I will be responsible for:
- Respecting and cooperating with all adults and children in the school;
- Coming to class on time prepared to work;
- Respecting the rights of others to learn without distraction and disruption;
- Showing respect for people and property by not using stealing, vandalizing or using profanity;
- Practicing safety by not running, pushing, or fighting on campus;
- Completing all assignments to the best of my ability;
- Spending time at home daily on schoolwork/homework and remembering to turn it in;
- Reading at least fifteen minutes each day.
As a parent/guardian, I will be responsible for:
- Showing respect for students and school staff;
- Making sure my child arrives at school on time and
- stays until the end of the day;
- Providing adequate food, time for rest, and school supplies so my child is ready to learn;
- Providing time and a place each evening for quiet study at home;
- Sharing with the teacher information and concerns regarding my child, and being willing to discuss the teacher's concerns;
- Helping my child meet his/her responsibilities as a student;
- Reading with or to my child five days a week;
- Talking with my child about his/her schoolwork/homework daily;
- Parents may request information regarding the professional qualifications of their students' teachers.
As a teacher, I will be responsible for:
- Showing respect for students, parents/guardians, and other school staff;
- Maintaining a safe and beneficial classroom learning environment;
- Providing an appropriate classroom discipline plan;
- Planning and preparing suitable lessons;
- Holding students accountable for completing all assignments;
- Supplying timely evaluations of student progress;
- Providing appropriate homework assignments;
- Contacting parents/guardians about student behavior and/or academic progress;
- Being willing to discuss parent/guardian concerns.
Olympic View Elementary School Compact:

Spanish Version of OVE School Compact: